Congratulations You Have Successfully Installed Tomb Raider

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  2. Congratulation You Have Successfully Installed Tomb Raider
  3. Congratulations You Have Successfully Installed Downloadable Tomb Raider

I recently installed tomb raider and when i play the game at the beginning a message appears showing something like 'congratulations on instaling this game.' I cant get past this message box, when i click OK button or close button or use esc it closes and almost before.

From their Let's Play of: (Videos now.) Hard Rain. The very first campaign shown, 'Hard Rain', only Kaiser gets out alive. In a later campaign, he gets his comeuppance for abandoning his comrades when they shoot him in the finale. At the end of their 'Hard Rain' campaign, before Kaiser accidentally makes the boat leave without everyone else, Lani is shooting at a Tank, who runs at him and smashes him into the river, killing him.

His frantic screaming of ' before he gets knocked in make it even funnier. Dead Center. Before the campaign even starts (i.e., in the lobby), the gang questions Antfish for picking Rochelle. Ant's response? Lani: Rochelle has aroused the Witch. The Passing. Also when Lani falls down a hole into a pit of zombies in 'The Passing Part 2'.

Moments after one of the other guys was singing 'Ring of Fire'. They did this playthrough fairly late at night, so Taka is sitting close to his mic and talking in a very low voice so as not to wake other people in his house. The result of this is that he sounds like a serial killer for the whole video. The Sacrifice. In an early part of the campaign, we get this little gem after Lani mistakes a broom closet for a Safe Room. Lani: OLD MAN ON SPEED! WHAT WANTS TO DIE?!.

In the final part of 'The Sacrifice', right as Lani is about to jump down and perform the titular act, a Smoker yanks him off the platform and drags him towards the generator. Dead Aboard. Lani shouting 'EL KABONG!' When he melees zombies after getting his hands on a guitar. Later on, turning after obtaining a chainsaw, shouting 'COME AT ME!' At common infected and charging a Tank head-on while screaming. Speaking of 'Death Aboard', there are two moments towards the end.

First, on the Ship level, when Taka is suddenly incapacitated. Everyone is baffled at how Taka was quickly knocked down, only for them to find out after the fact that the container door that leads forward has a lovely surprise behind it: a car that tumbles out. Then on the finale, everyone is expecting the hot-air balloon to land on the rooftop.only for the balloon to drift down to the docks below the lighthouse they are holed up in. What follows is one hell of a mad dash to the escape vehicle that is flat-out hilarious to watch. Lani: 'ANOTHER Tank?!?' Gan: 'Oh, SHIT!

This is Karma Tank!!!' Kaiser: 'That's what you get!!'

. And just as they were shooting Kaiser, Gan's cam is renamed to. Detour Ahead. The epic mess that was 'Detour Ahead 5'. Particularly in the fourth stage- after fighting off a ridiculous horde, the guys are chatting about how glad they are to have survived and now they can heal. This is not long after their only Molotov was used to make a wall of fire behind them during the event so they wouldn't get mobbed from behind.

Don't forget the beginning of the third stage, where they go into a warehouse and are attacked by a tank, a charger, and a jockey. First Taka is downed by the tank, then after being helped back up, the charger downs him again. Gan: This is so unnecessary!. During a break in the action the group finds a ladder leading up through a trap door.

Taka gets sent to check for a Witch, but as soon as he reaches the top of the ladder, he gets jumped by a Hunter and falls back to the ground with it riding on top of him. And also the first stage, when they're waiting for a Witch in their way to calm down. It doesn't, so Taka just finally opens fire while shouting. Lani's response? ' And then the group agrees that that was something Ellis would have done. Later, when they enter the house, Taka is attacked and downed by a Tank, and since he used his health pack after the witch attack, he has to go the remainder of the stage without a heal up.

The best part is what leads up to the Tank attack. Taka finds a chainsaw in the basement of the house, and tells the others that he'll 'clear the house.' He exits upstairs and runs into the Tank. While he's trying to fight it off, the others start laughing, Lani yelling. Taka: I walked into the house, there was a tank drinking a beer and watching the game! Dark Carnival. In 'Dark Carnival', the gang runs from a Tank.

Taka, holding up the rear, asks 'is it behind me?' Only to get hit with a thrown chunk of concrete. In the finale of 'Dark Carnival', the guys survive long enough for the helicopter to arrive. Gan and Kaiser immediately hop on, but Lani- holding Gnome Chomski- has trouble getting into it. Suddenly they realize Taka is nowhere near them, as it turns out he glitched through the bottom of the helicopter and went back around only to be overwhelmed as the chopper takes off. His attempt at a heroic final speech makes it even better. About 5 minutes into 'Dark Carnival Part 1', the guys are at the hotel and scouting around for more supplies.

Que sobbing, meaning a witch was nearby. So nearby, she was inside the rooms above the pool (players will know where). Kaiser found out the hard way, then ran off the second floor to avoid her and tried to lead her up the staircase so the others could take her down. Except the Witch decided to take the stairs down to the first floor, and meet him half-way. Or it tried to, but it had to run past three full-autos, and promptly died before Kaiser got back up to the second floor.

A little before that, Kaiser and Taka are innocently strolling into a room. Just before Gan shoots the gas can inside of it. Kaiser, luckily, was still half way out.

Taka, on the other hand. Taka: OH MY GOD. When the gang reaches the roller coaster event, Lani Cue charger coming in from the rear and carrying Lani (who was holding the gnome) right off of the track and into the fence before anyone else even sees what happened.

No Mercy. During the first stage of 'No Mercy', Gan finds the safe house just as Lani sets off a car alarm, alerting the horde. Problem is, there is a Witch, a Jockey and a Spitter in their way, and Gan is caught between the horde and the door, and is incapacitated, and the others closed the door, forcing them go back out and saving him. In the second stage, after suffering a number of setbacks, including being incapacitated by Lani while trying to save Taka and being chased by the Witch, there is another car with an alarm near the safe house, and Gan, who is already closer to the safe house than the others, sets off the alarm as revenge, then closes the door. He's fully content to let them all die until an incapacitated Taka starts singing again.

Also, in the second stage. Taka: (without missing a beat, as Francis) I hate bullets. Third stage. Gan shoots and, climbs out of the sewer hole., while Lani and Kaiser make a break for it. Lani botches a Molotov throw and dies in his own flames, and Kaiser makes it to the safe room. He sets himself on fire too.

Congratulations You Have Successfully Installed Tomb Raider

(Maybe he felt left out.). Earlier in the third stage, the gang comes across a Witch at the bottom of some spiral stairs.

Naturally surprised, they quickly try to formulate a plan- only to be interrupted by a Boomer who runs through the door and pukes everyone but Lani. Lani (bludgeoning the Tank with his cricket-bat): TAKE THAT! Eat cricket-bat, you whore! I'm kickin' your ass! (Continues hitting said Tank after its dead). And once they reach the elevator and take it down, the group rescues Kaiser from a closet, have Lani die after getting incapacitated for the third time, limp through the maze to the safe room.

Only to have Kaiser shoot Gan and take him out at the very last second. The last portion is especially funny because this occurred after a tense argument between Taka and Gan, and Kaiser made everyone promise to stop the. In the finale of 'No Mercy' advanced, during their first attempt of the helipad fight, as Gan is trying to revive Lani and Kaiser, they're all suddenly hit by a spitter. Gan: OH MY GOD!.

Next time they reach that ladder, Kaiser goes up.and is immediately soaked in Boomer bile AND pounced by a Hunter, almost simultaneously. Later during the second attempt, Kaiser get dragged off the roof by a Smoker, rammed into a wall by a Charger, and grabbed by another Charger. All within the space of about thirty seconds.

The AI really doesn't like cats, it seems. The epic that results from Kaiser hitting the elevator button too soon on No Mercy Advanced, leaving Gan and Kaiser to die while getting mobbed by the horde as Lani and Taka hole up in a room at the end of the hallway. Taka opens the door to throw a pipe bomb and a Charger comes through, hitting Lani.

Then as the zombies eventually break down the door, Taka throws a Molotov and Lani is caught by a Smoker, which then proceeds to drag him through the fire to Lani's screams of 'HE WAS WAITING!' , Lani gets mauled by the Infected while everyone else proceeds to crack up. The remaining zombies charge at Taka and he kills them, then runs out into the hallway and gets caught by the same Smoker and dies.

They were suffering even before that, mostly because Taka and Gan were still spending more time trying to kill each other over what happened in the second stage. It's only after they die that Kaiser and Lani's suggestion of not killing each other starts to make sense to them. While trying to climb a stairwell in 'No Mercy Advanced', Taka gets downed, then spat upon. Gan goes to rescue him, only to get downed by Lani and his lousy shooting. Lani rescues Gan, Kaiser foolishly tosses a Moly, and Taka says in surprise 'Oh, so that's what that looks like!' When he's set on fire. By now it's become, so as the others laugh and let Taka roast, he decides to voice his complaints in true Francis style.

Lani (being swarmed by Commons while trying to kill a Tank): AH GOD! EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE!. After Taka gets a Charger off of him, a Hunter jumps right on him. In the final attempt of Helm's Deep they all turn against each other with hilarious results. Though, mainly this was directed at Taka to begin with, but it just devolved into them trying to slaughter one another after they'd finally downed him, leaving Gan and Lani to go out there on their own. Just hearing Gan raving at Taka for 'leaving them to die' is simply priceless.

Kaiser spots a Tank coming and accidentally calls it a 'heavy'-. Dead Air. In the third portion of 'Dead Air' on Advanced, they STILL have trouble opening doors!. Also in Part Three, they're making their way through an abandoned parking garage that links to the airport via skybridge.

As they do so, Lani turns around a dark corner and switches on his flashlight. What greets him is the sight of a male and female zombie humorously engaged in a fist-fight, in turn, prompting this exchange. Zoey: Through the offices! Gan: Thank you, Zoey. Zoey knows what's up. Lani: Zoey works in an airport. Apparently this airport.

Kaiser: I've been escorted through here to get searched so many times. Lani: Damn FAA. Gan: If you weren't gay, I would suggest you were creeping. Also in 'Dead Air' part four, watching Gan get chased by a Witch during the event is so hilarious. All it really needs is to be set to the 'Yakety Sax' to be complete. Near the end, Lani walks through a metal detector in the airport, summoning a horde, so Gan throws a Boomer vial to buy them time to escape to the safe house. However, Lani is disappointed that they missed the horde, so he refuses to go in until he fights one.

He ends up getting incapacitated, and Gan tells the others to not help him. Lani: I am waiting here for them. They are seeing us off. Louis: We've got to get inside! Lani: Shut up, Louis!.

'If you having zombie problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but a witch ain't one.' Suicide Blitz. The calamity we call 'Suicide Blitz Part One' has to be seen to be believed. The fun starts when Kaiser's connection dies, leaving the AI to take over Rochelle while the others curse his computer. Soon after, Taka becomes inexplicably mute, with Gan & Lani both telling and typing at him to use the C button.

Once outside, Taka's connection dies just as Kaiser returns, constantly of Lani & Gan, and and luring a of infected, causing speculation as to whether an actual cat has taken over his controls. Then Lani somehow: when he puts it down to use his guns, it phases through a truck and lands on surfaces that are, rendering it completely irretrievable. Gan now tries to, only to have Kaiser die before Gan can get to him.

Finally, Lani and Gan give up and shoot each other, leading to a Game Over and a restart. During the second try, when Kaiser and Taka seem to have their connection back. Thank God Leon's not here.

Kaiser: Awww, I like Leon! Gan: You're the only one who would.

The gang finds a pipe bomb in the woods. Taka promptly blames it on 'those punk kids drinkin' again'. The sound glitching out (possibly due to triggering a Boomer horde in the ending room of the first level), leaving them with absolutely no warning whenever they fight a Tank. (For the record; Tanks have a very distinctive and loud music cue and theme, to the point where even the experienced foursome has trouble pinpointing if it was a Tank that roared or just a retarded Charger.). Kaiser swinging between making mentions of well-known Versus slaughterfest corridors as they pass through and leading the others in completely the wrong direction, often with barely half a minute between the two extremes. The third stage.

Taka messes up the Witch's killing and talks trash. When she's gone, Gan and Kaiser begin debating whether to pick him up while Lani cuts out the middleman and begins shooting Taka. Quite possibly the definition of 'Karma Charger'.

After trials, tribulations, two Chargers picking Taka up (and down and up and down) in the space of about a minute, Kaiser trying to claim the Tank as being all the work of the Bile Jar, and Lani dropping to one health and setting a building on fire, they make it into the safe room. Where they accidentally open the door and get Spat on just as the end-of-level screen pops up. Stage Four. In a virtual replay of the last stage, Lani sets off a propane tank and blocks Kaiser from rejoining the group. Moments before he is picked up and carried easily fifty metres by a Charger. Kaiser jumping off a small ledge.

And incapacitating himself. The group follows him cautiously, with Lani going to pick him up before quickly having to dodge out of the way of a Charger as Taka gets Jockeyed away.


Lani desperately picks up Kaiser, turns around and swats a Jockey off Gan and turns again. To see, lashing out. Taka: That's right; I am from the internet. I do many hilarious voices, such as (in Nappa's voice) Nappa! (Still in the same voice) And Krump!.

The catastrophe that was the Blood Harvest Finale. It took them three tries to get to the actual event, likely because the music wasn't giving them some vital clues. During the first run, Lani nearly gets incapped immediately after the saferoom. He pops some pills and keeps going, only for the horde to swarm the party and incap Taka. After that, Gan gets incapped by commons, and Taka gets charged immediately after trying to pick Gan up. Their second try ends up similarly bad, but this time Kaiser tries to avoid the horde by telling everyone to crouch when the enter the cornfield (to avoid the birds getting startled). This obviously doesn't work, and the gang rags on Kaiser for the rest of the map.

Death Toll. In Part 1, we get this gem from Lani and Kaiser.

Gan: Way to go, dipshit. Kaiser(incapped): I said I was going to shoot her! Taka drops a propane tank on him Taka: Hey Kaiser, look what I found!(shoots) then when Taka actually gets him up Lani: Taka, you have just finally, near the safe room. Kaiser: Alright, where's the bitch? Gan: Kaiser: Lani: WAAAAAH!

Taka, after Kaiser is downed: Don't worry Kaiser, I'll save you Lani: We gotta put him down! He's turning! Kaiser: You guys are dicks!

Lani, once Kaiser finally dies: Gan: Yaaay! (singsong)And nothing of value was lost! Kaiser: I'd just like to point out - that Gan: You're like the whitest guy I know. You're not allowed to say that.

In part 3 of Death Toll, Lani's quick and irrational use of molotovs is stimulated when they find large amounts of them throughout the level. Even Kaiser gets in on it!.

Gan nabs a chainsaw that Taka really wanted, leading Taka to splutter that Gan is stifling his creativity. 'I'm an artist with the chainsaw!' . To TFS's detriment in part 4, where Lani is incapped by Kaiser, and Gan says he should stop lighting people on fire. Lani: The only incaps I have are from you guys! Gan: Maybe if you stopped lighting everyone on fire we wouldn't shoot you!

Lani: You know what, FUCK YOU!!! Lani throws a Molotov at Gan Gan: AH, MY GOD, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

Taka: Gan: I HATE YOU I HATE YOU! I just used a healthpack!.he attempts to flee the fire, only to be incapped and skid to a halt at Lani's feet. They are subsequently overrun and forced to restart the level in Part 5, at which point fire antics continue. For instance, Lani takes grief for using a Molotov on a Tank, despite this being standard procedure for dealing with one. Kaiser: Gan: Same place?? Okay, okay bitch, round two.

I got this shit. Taka (simultaneously): Guys guys guys guys guys.

Gan: No no no no no no. Taka (indignant): I got this.

Shut the f— I got this! Gan: Aww, goddammit, Taka, back off.

Taka begins to back off, having not yet fired a shot. But before he can. Witch incapacitated takahata101 Gan: Lani: I'm out of ammo. In Part 6, Taka offers this joke about him and Gan being the only survivors of the campaign.

Gan: Fuck you!. Anytime they get outnumbered. Their frequent desires to take on the harmless, out of the way Witches they come across. Gan attempts a. 'Hello, I have a package for Miss Witch?

SURPRISE, IT'S DEATH!' Unfortunately his shot misses and even more hilarity ensues. Whenever they befriend an inanimate object only to sacrifice it against the zombies. The Gas Can from 'Death Aboard', Pt. The constant arguments about how to pronounce 'melee'. Taka actually pronounces it correctly on one occasion. And then quickly UN-corrects himself.

'Watch out for the one in the dark hoodie. He'll try to touch your nipples.'

. After reading this, Taka finds it necessary to point out that he is wearing a dark hoodie. Taka's frequent. The first real sign of this is at the end of 'Death Aboard' when he audibly whispers 'I love you, Nick' as the credits begin to roll, and it only gets more frequent until 'Dark Carnival' when the guys jokingly call him out on it and accuse him of just trying to 'make an excuse.' .

Spot, the Boomer. 'Sup guys. Have you seen my friend Spot? I know it's a strange name for a guy, but I'm worried about him.

Think he might be trying to kill himself.' . 'Why do you have to be so quiet GOD?'


THE LEGEND OF THE M113 GAVIN CONTINUES IN COMBAT: THE GREATEST ARMORED FIGHTING VEHICLE, EVER! UPDATED 25 June 2010 M113 GAVIN AIRBORNE ARMORED FIGHTING VEHICLE IN COMBAT This web page is dedicated to our good friend, retired armored vehicle engineer Bill Criswell who passed away a few years ago. A courageous and wise voice of reason against the infecting the Army and DoD, the picture above was his favorite of 11 th leading the way into Baghdad using M113 Gavins with gunshields. Bill you will never be forgotten! M113 Gavins THUNDER RUN!

INTO BAGHDAD! WHAT RIGHT LOOKS LIKE: Superb painting of M113 Gavins in action by Armor artist Jody Harmon! (click on picture to see full-size picture and read article) Even the driver had a machine gun! The U.S. Army did learn something from the non-linear, combination sub-national conflict and nation-state Vietnam war: EVERYONE should be in the minimum an M113 Gavin armored personnel carrier to have basic 7.62mm medium machine gun KE bullet and HE bomb protection and cross-country mobility since the enemy can attack in any direction at any time. WHAT WRONG LOOKS LIKE The video above shows what happens if you DON'T HAVE light mechanized capabilities and are a straight ' leg' infantry that fights the enemy at a disadvantage M16 vs. AK47 (AKM)and RPG.

You get YOUR ass kicked is what happens! Other Army Light infantry units like the 25 th ' Tropic Lightnings' fully employed M113 Gavins and kicked the ENEMY'S ass without having their ego evaporate because they used a LIGHT tank (machine) to help them FURTHER their dismounted powers.

Imagine that. READ MORE ON WHAT RIGHT LOOKS LIKE: (Force Supremacy) Read by Eric M. Bergerud (Paperback - Mar 1, 1994) Let me set the scene; it is a stinking, non-descript rubber plantation in a place that no one was much interested in, the rain is pouring down as only Asian monsoonal rain can, 108 Australians are fighting for their lives against an estimated 2,000 to 2,500 NVA troops who are on their way to wipe out the whole Australian base at Nui Dat.

It is Delta Company of 6 RAR and they are in ' deep shit'. They have already lost a section and more. Their ammo has run out once and only an emergency resupply from a RAAF chopper has allowed them to keep firing. Supporting artillery is firing 'continuous fire' (24 guns firing 3 rounds per gun per minute) and will drop a total of 2,639 rounds of 105mm and 155 rounds of 155mm (from the Yanks). There are already about 15% of the Australian unit KIA. More are wounded.

Some are missing. All are desperate. The NVA/VC are massing for the last attack. The Australian Company Commander has already told his base ' If you don't come for us in half an hour, don't bother coming at all'. Then through the murk, the rain and the bullets.a dull roar, like a couple of bulldozers, no one knew what it was.

Then it struck them. The tracks had arrived. Out of the gloom, lights blazing,.50 cal machine guns going full bore, having already swum a flooded river, with another Company of 6RAR aboard the M113s of the RAAC came roaring in almost Western movie timing to break up the NVA/VC attack and relieve the situation. The NVA/VC withdrew leaving 245 bodies that they could not retrieve. They call the place LONG TAN. Sgt Buick and the remnant of 11 Platoon 'jumped up, yelled and waved to identify our position, just like in the movies.

Congratulations You Have Successfully Installed Tomb Raider 2013

I felt like one of those Yankees saved from the Indians' (from the book by Lex McAulay). AFGHANISTAN, TODAY This may be our most important video-and its not even a video! Its a slide show of the May 1992, Armed Forces Journal magazine which on page 70 shows a photo of an up-engined M113A3 Gavin BEATING an up-engined M2 Bradley in a paved ROAD RACE. Can't get any more favorable terrain than this. Since then, the Bradley has only got heavier (36 tons) with greater ground pressure and is even LESS mobile (barely over 35 mph on roads) than it was back then. The Caption reads: M-113A3 APC Beats Bradley By Four Lengths.or More The latest version of the Army's M-113 armored personnel carrier, which was first fielded in the early 1960s, proves it can still keep up with modern maneuver forces. An M-113A3 pulls away from a Bradley M-2A2 fighting vehicle as it crosses the finish line at an Army ' drag race' held March 19th at FMC Corp.

In San Jose, CA. FMC builds both vehicles. The M-113A3, which weighs about one-third as much as the 33-ton M-2A2, is equipped with a 275-horsepower Detroit Diesel6V53T turbocharged engine. The Bradley has a 600-hp Cummins V-903 turbocharged diesel engine. THE LIE that ' the Bradley is more mobile than the M113A3 Gavin' has been corrected forever. Its high time for the U.S.

Congratulation You Have Successfully Installed Tomb Raider

Army to relearn WHAT RIGHT LOOKS LIKE. Those who spread such lies don't know what they are talking about and are damaging THE NATIONAL SECURITY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that needs CLOSED TERRAIN MOBILITY capabilities that only M113 Gavin light tracks can provide for our light infantry to have transport/fire support so we fight the enemy with superior overmatch-not at a disastrous ' Blackhawk Down!'

Congratulations You Have Successfully Installed Downloadable Tomb Raider

AK47 + AKM foot-slog.

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